
The "Song of the Great River" Exhibition on Biodiversity of the Yangtze River Opened in Shanghai


The Yangtze River is a great river running twelve thousand miles and irradiating sustained vitality. On September 25, 2022, the "Song of the Great River" exhibition on biodiversity of the Yangtze River, jointly organized by Shanghai Natural History Museum, Chinese National Geography and Lenovo Group, opened at Shanghai Natural History Museum. 

The "Song of the Great River" exhibition is divided into four theme exhibition areas: "Wonders of the Great River", "Ten Thousand Spirits of the River", "Mountains and Rivers" and "Road to the Future", showing the audience the majestic natural scenery, rich biodiversity, diversified architecture and culture, development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and efforts made by all sectors of society to protect the Yangtze River, aiming to enhance the public's awareness and understanding of the protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity of the Yangtze River. 

In addition to rich graphic displays, the exhibition also presents exclusive video materials such as the Rare Species of China documentary series of Shanghai Science & Technology Museum and the original documentary series Song of the Great River of the China National Geographic Channel, with beautiful melodies from natural habitats embedded, and interactive links such as exhibition study sheets and Yangtze River-themed postcard mailing set. The whole exhibition enhanced the audience's viewing experience through vivid, diversified and immersive exhibition forms. The exhibition will last until November 10, and 20 issues of "Ten Thousand Spirits of the River" WeChat tweets on rare species in the Yangtze River will be launched online.