
Two original documentaries from the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum are nominated in the China Wildlife Image and Video Competition


The awarding ceremony of the 2021 China Wildlife Image and Video Competition hosted by Chinese National Geography was held recently. Two original documentaries from the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, namely, Giant Panda and Przewalski's Horse in the series documentaries of Endangered Species of China, were nominated for "Best Production" and "Best Wildlife", respectively. 

Giant Panda and Przewalski's Horse are the 14th and 16th works in the original series of Endangered Species of China of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. The films persist in the brand's core philosophy of "focusing on natural ecology & biodiversity". They record and tell the natural stories of the rare animals living in the Qinling Mountains and the Karamaili Desert in Xinjiang, the "National Treasure" giant panda and the "Last Wild Horse in the World" Przewalski's Horse, helping the spectators feel the power of nature and life.