
Shanghai Natural History Museum Held the Activity “Face-to-Face Communication with Scientists 2020”

On November 14, 2020, the branded science popularization activity “face-to-face communication with scientists” carefully planned and launched by Shanghai Natural History Museum had a grand opening in the atrium on the second floor underground of the museum. Under the theme of “Science and Technology for Better Health”, a total of 34 experts and scholars from 13 units in relevant fields, including scientific research institutes, universities, public health institutions and enterprises were invited to introduce the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, disseminate knowledge about public health, show the latest technologies and scientific research results that provide guarantee for a healthy life and discuss the changes in people’s lifestyle in the post-epidemic era through online microlectures and offline Science Fair.

Scientists at the Science Fair brought various physical props such as the miniature inflatable model of “Fire Eye” lab, P3 lab protective clothing, health cloud integrated machine, specimens, etc. for visitors to touch and experience. Besides, a live streaming room was set up at the event site for scientists to introduce their scientific research and technological achievements in detail and answer questions from online and offline audiences in simple and understandable language.