
The First "Hi-tech Space Station" Event Held at Shanghai Science & Technology Museum


On June 30, 2023, the "Hi-tech Space Station" event was held at the Shanghai Natural History Museum under the guidance of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the co-sponsorship of Shanghai Science & Technology Museum and the Steering Commission of Science & Technology Innovation Education of Shanghai Municipality.

Ni Minjing, Director of the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, delivered a keynote speech as a guest speaker. In the micro-speech session of "Q&As about Science & Technology Innovation Education", five principals of science & technology innovation characteristic schools and five CTOs of science & technology companies respectively shared and exchanged their views on the development of science & technology innovation education in their schools and the R&D and innovation of high-tech companies. 

During the event, the Awarding Ceremony of "Chief Technical Officer", "Science & Technology Innovation Education Promotion Officer" and "Science & Technology Innovation Alliance School", as well as the Hi-tech Space Station School-Enterprise Pairing Ceremony were carried out. In the future, Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, together with primary and secondary schools, scientific research institutions, and science & technology innovation companies, will join hands with influential academicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, and educators to explore the method of "Venue +", disseminate the concept of "Science & Technology Innovation +", share the experience of "Cross-domain +", do a great job in science education while reducing the burden on students in the compulsory education state from homework and extracurricular training, create a "Shanghai Scheme" for science & technology innovation, and polish the science & technology innovation education brand of the city. 

As a featured part of this event, the "Science & Technology Innovation Education Market" showcased the newest results of 10 schools and companies in science & technology innovation education respectively, including students' handmade scientific and creative works, companies' AI technologies, etc. The Market brought the latest science & technology innovation content, through all media means such as graphics, video, and AI+VR interaction, to audiences, especially teenagers, to immersive themselves into the colorful world of science.