
Create a New Ecology of "Museum-School X" Cooperation for Better Science Education


On March 29, 2024, the Shanghai Natural History Museum held the 2023 Annual Museum-School Cooperation Summary Meeting. Teachers and student representatives from more than 40 schools in Shanghai, representatives of 16 member units of the Shanghai Natural Science and Technology Education Alliance, and members of the public who are enthusiastic about popular science education gathered at the Shanghai Natural History Museum to share their experience and feelings of museum-school cooperation, and jointly discuss how to achieve better science education under the "double reduction" policy of education.

At the meeting, Miao Wenjing, Deputy Curator of Shanghai Science & Technology Museum, awarded plaques to the first five "Nature Museum Schools". Tang Xianhua, Deputy Director of the Exhibition and Education Center of the Shanghai Natural History Museum, introduced the results of the Museum-School Cooperation Project from 2020 to 2023 and their work plan for 2024.

The meeting also invited school representatives, teacher representatives and student representatives to share their stories of participating in the museum-school cooperation. Dr. Wu Yingying from the Institute of Edible Fungi, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, as a representative of the alliance members, shared her experience in cooperating with schools and the Shanghai Natural History Museum to carry out science popularization activities. On the same day, the museum-school resource package and the micro-exhibition of "Guarding the Mother River" originally planned by the Shanghai Natural History Museum were also officially released.