
Exploring "The Beauty of Flowers" and Revamping the City in Details Through "Stroll in Nature"


On April 20, 2024, the second event of "Stroll in Nature" brand in this year was held in the renewed and renovated Fudeli Park, with the theme of "Exploring 'The Beauty of Flowers', and Revamping the City in Details." This activity marked an integration of natural science popularization, detailed city renovation and public participation. All the expert dialogues, guided tours of popular science, and stroll to workshops were dedicated to immersing participants in the charm of beautiful rhododendron and seeking detailed city renovation.

Yu Jinlong, Chief Designer of Fudeli Park, and Dr. Xu Shanshan, an ecologist of SNHM were invited to deliver keynote speeches. Yu Jinlong shared the design philosophies and innovative practices of the renewal and renovation of the Fudeli Park, explaining in depth how to improve the quality of urban space through the optimization of green infrastructure, and pursue the harmonious coexistence of human and nature. Xu Shanshan analyzed the role of rhododendron in the ecosystem and its contribution to the urban environment from an ecological point of view, and elaborated on the close connection between biodiversity conservation and detailed city renovation. Expert dialogues were live streamed which triggered wide resonance and in-depth thinking of viewers.

The two experts also led the viewers on a lively and interesting outdoor popular science tour. They walked through the rhododendron bushes planted in the Park, analyzing in detail the species, growth habits, ornamental value and application of rhododendron in urban ecological construction. With the experts' guidance, viewers not only appreciated the beauty of bright rhododendron, but also obtained in-depth knowledge of ecology and garden art connected to the Park's landscape. After listening to the expert's explanation, viewers were allowed to observe and take photographs of beautiful rhododendron in every corner of the Park in limited time.