
SNHM Cooperated with Tongli National Wetland Park to Organize a Series of Popular Science Activities


In response to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Advancing the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta, and to promote the reform and opening up to a higher level in the Yangtze River Delta region, SNHM's educational brand "My Nature Treasure Chest" cooperated with the Tongli National Wetland Park. The Park was cited as the only national wetland park in the Yangtze River Delta ecological green integration development demonstration area. They launched a series of popular science activities, including the "Urban Insects" exhibition, Science Fair, the "Home" eco-art program, Nature Liaison Officer Workshop, and a series of live broadcasts on the theme of "Stroll in Nature: Walk in the Yangtze River Delta."

On the afternoon of May 19, the "Nature Treasure Chest, Green Yangtze River Delta" 2024 Science Popularization Series and China Tourism Day Thematic Activity kicked off at Tongli National Wetland Park in Wujiang, Jiangsu Province. The "Urban Insects" exhibition focused on the ecological insects in the city, including "Insect Survey," "Urban Insect Encyclopedia," "Where are the Insects Around Us" and "Action: Hearing Everything," and had 80 butterfly specimens and 18 specimens of common insects on display. The Home eco-art program was created and co-sponsored by artist Xu Guofeng. With the theme of the "dalmatian pelican," a representative species of the Park and a nationally protected bird species and the philosophy of "Social Sculpture," the artist led the public to collect waste materials, and make the large-scale artistic work. A documentary was produced based on the video data of the process so as to raise public's awareness of the environment and the philosophy of ecology by means of arts. The exhibition and eco-art work display will last to late June.

The Science Fair opened on the same day, with the theme of "Insects and Birds," featured original wetland board games, intangible cultural heritage blue dyeing, paper-cutting, face painting, woodblock printing and other interactive activities. The Environmental Entomology Laboratory of Shanghai Normal University and Urban Insect Workshop displayed and explained insect specimens for popular science purpose. A special live broadcast of "Stroll in Nature: Visit the Secret Land of Water Town" of SNHM offered people lenses to this wetland paradise adjacent to Shanghai. Insect observation workshops and bird-watching classes were also held on the day, with experts leading local visitors into the secret wetland to appreciate the biodiversity.