
Shanghai Science & Technology Museum''s Science Communication ID Awarded the Title of "Typical Representative of China Science Communication IDs in 2023"


Recently, the Department of Science Popularization of the China Association for Science and Technology announced the list of typical representatives of China Science Communication IDs and Creators in , and the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum's Science Communication ID was granted the title of "Typical Representative of China Science Communication IDs in 2023".

China Science Communication is a new brand created by the China Association for Science and Technology to further promote the science popularization informatization. The Shanghai Science & Technology Museum officially started the operation of its account on the platform of China Science Communication on August 6, 2023, with a focus on biomedicine, information technology, aerospace, brain science, materials science and other fields. Its timely posts of high-quality popular science content meet the needs of the public and have been widely recognized. As of February 2024, Shanghai Science & Technology Museum's China Science Communication ID has published a total of 48 original popular science articles, with a total of 1.886 million views.

In addition to opening an account in China Science Communication, the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum has also opened accounts on other new media platforms such as WeChat, Douyin, and Bilibili. Shanghai Science & Technology Museum's WeChat account, since its opening in June 2015, has published more than 1,000 original popular science articles, with a cumulative views of more than 20 million and a cumulative followers of more than 2.63 million. Shanghai Science & Technology Museum's Douyin account, since its opening in August 2018, has released a total of 345 original popular science videos, with a total of 7.653 million views. Shanghai Science & Technology Museum's Bilibili account, since its opening in June 2020, has released a total of 323 original popular science videos, with a total of 1.367 million views.