The First Batch of Courses of the Innovative Tailored Series "Aesthetics of Nature Classroom" Launched by Shanghai Natural History Museum
After two years of meticulous preparation, Shanghai Natural History Museum has recently launched its first batch of courses of the innovative tailored series — "Aesthetics of Nature Classroom." Among them, the moss-themed course titled The Little Dwarf Known to Few — Moss won the second prize in the 2024 Shanghai Nature Education Innovation Competition in May, with its unique teaching model and course design.
The "Aesthetics of Nature Classroom" covers various fields such as botany, zoology, and geology. It combines natural science with artistic aesthetics by adopting diverse teaching methods including popular science explanations, specimen observation, and hands-on creation. The audience is allowed to explore the mysteries of nature while appreciating its unique beauty, stimulating their interest and passion for natural sciences. Since the launch of the series, courses such as I Am a Butterfly Kingdom Designer, Moss Garden in Hand, Preserving the World of Flowers, and A Journey Through Minerals have been delivered in the first batch in May with a total of 8 sessions and 161 in-person participants.