
The 4D Animation Longlong (The Fairy Tale of an Elephant) Was Screened at the Shanghai Natural History Museum


On the occasion of the 13th World Elephant Day, on August 10, 2024, the 4D animation Longlong jointly produced by the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum and Shanghai Animation Film Studio was screened in the 4D theater of the Shanghai Natural History Museum, and is expected to be officially released in September in the Shanghai Natural History Museum.

Longlong is a scientific fairy tale about Asian elephants and international biodiversity, inspired by the "short-nosed family" of wild Asian elephants in Xishuangbanna that had a remarkable migration in 2021. It tells the story of a little boy and a little elephant's rainforest adventure in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve. The film explores the core value of the empathy and coexistence between a child and an elephant and between humans and nature, aiming to create an animation work with both natural science popularization and fairy tales, and pay tribute to the workers who have made efforts for the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. The film is modeled after the rescue elephant "Longlong" in the Asian Elephant Breeding. and Rescue Center, accurately portrays the characteristics and life experience of the baby elephant Longlong from multiple perspectives.